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Chesapeake Bay

Tributory Strategies

About Tributory Strategies

Chesapeake Bay Tributary Strategies were developed prior to the Chesapeake Bay TMDL by the seven watershed jurisdictions.  These strategies described the implementation activities each state would conduct on a river basin-wide scale to reduce nutrient and sediment pollution.  The target reductions in these Tributary Strategies came from both point and nonpoint sources and aimed to achieve the 2003 nitrogen, phosphorus and sediment load caps.

For more information, please contact the Guide Author, Sean High, Staff Attorney at The Center for Agricultural and Shale Law.  

Phone: (814) 865-5017


The Center for Agricultural and Shale Law

Penn State Law

The Pennsylvania State University

329 Innovation Blvd., Suite 118

University Park, PA 16803

Phone: (814) 865-4290

Fax: (814) 865-3851