In 2005, with a stated desire to govern “certain agricultural operations which generate or utilize animal manure,” the Pennsylvania legislature passed the Pennsylvania Nutriment Management Act (Act 38) as part of the Agriculture, Communities, and Rural Environment (ACRE) initiative. The resulting regulations became effective October 2006.
Under the Pennsylvania Nutrient Management Act (Act 38), any farm that meets the definition of a concentrated agricultural operation (CAO) must develop and maintain a written nutrient management plan prepared by a certified nutrient management specialist. Though not required, farms that do not meet the CAO definition are encouraged to voluntarily submit nutrient management plans as a way to improve yields, lower liability, and become eligible for related financial assistance, low interest loans, and grants.
This guide is intended to represent a collection of legal resources relating to the Pennsylvania Nutrient Management Act (Act 38). While the Center for Agricultural and Shale Law makes every effort to maintain and update the content furnished in this guide, no warranty or other guarantee is made regarding the timeliness or accuracy of any information provided.