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Guide to the Law Library


The library is an important resource for the entire Law School community and a commons which is shared by many. Students who abuse this facility and hinder the work of others will be subject to the Law School's disciplinary procedures.


Library users who consume food or drinks in the law library must do so in a manner that maintains a clean, safe library and that minimizes the risk of damage to library books, equipment, and other property. 

Non-alcoholic beverages are permitted in the Law Library in spill-resistant containers only (e.g., those with a top, lid, or cap that firmly closes and that is unlikely to come off if knocked over). 

Non-messy foods (cold sandwiches, a breakfast bar, cookies, raisins, candy, etc.) are permitted. Please use good judgment and be respectful and considerate of other patrons when consuming food in the library.  Patrons may not consume hot, noisy, smelly, or messy foods in any area of the law library. Library users are expected to clean up their workspaces by disposing of any wrappers, crumbs, or spills before you leave. All library users are expected to dispose of their trash in proper receptacles.

No food deliveries are to be made to the Law Library (except during specially approved law school events).  Law Library personnel will ask users to take food and drink that does not comply with this policy out of the Library.



Penn State policy (SY07) prohibits bringing animals into University buildings. As a result, pets and other animals, with the exception of authorized service animals, are not allowed in the Law Library or elsewhere in Law School buildings at any time.



While it is expected that users will keep conversations and other noise to a minimum throughout the Law Library including Group Study Rooms, this is particularly true in the University Park Reading Room (Katz Building, Library Room 320) which is reserved for quiet reading and research. Conversations and collaborative/group work should not be conducted in this area at any time.  Users making excessive noise may be asked to leave the library space.

Cell phone and other video call conversations disrupt others’ expectations of quiet study and research space. Cell phones should be turned off or put on silent mode whenever you are in the Law Library, and no calls should be answered or initiated from anywhere within the Law Library. Cell phones may be used in the buildings' lobbies or other common areas.


All users should protect their personal property from theft by assuring that valuables are not left unattended in the Law Library. Neither the Law Library nor the Law School will be responsible for lost or stolen property.  Lost and Found in the Katz Building is located in the Business office in the basement, Rm 009.  Any items left on the library circulation desk overnight are turned into Lost and Found immediately. 


Carrels, Study Rooms, tables and other rooms in the library are not personal property or private offices. Carrel or table space may not be claimed for an extended period of time without actually occupying the seat. Carrels and tables will be cleared of ALL unattended items periodically throughout the day. 

LAW/SIA Students have 24/7 access to the Katz Building and Law Library.  Students should refrain from bringing blankets, sleeping bags, pillows.ect., to set up living and/or sleeping space in the library and academic spaces in the library.  If you are experiencing homelessness, food insecurity, or other financial hardships Penn State's Office of Student Care and Advocacy can offer resources and support.  Law Students can also contact Penn State Law's Office of Student Services for assistance. 


Smoking or vaping of any material is not permitted in the library. This includes the burning of any type of lighted pipe, cigar, cigarette, e-cigarette or any other smoking or vaping equipment, whether filled with tobacco or any other type of material. For more information, see the University Policy on Smoking


Per Penn State policy SY16, motor driven devices (e-scooters, e-boards, etc) that do not meet the PA Vehicle Code requirements for operation on a public highway are prohibited from use on University property; to include buildings, roadways, sidewalks, bike paths and shared pathways.